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Second Steroid Cycle - Lean Gains and Cutting | Buy Steroids Online

Second Steroid Cycle – Lean Gains and Cutting

SKU: 572 (3 packs) + 584 (3 packs) + 587 (2 packs) + 570

$512.82 In Stock

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30 amps of Induject-250
30 amps of Boldebolin
2 vials of Mastebolin
50 pills of Promifen


This Sustanon 250, Boldenone and Masteron stack is a great second cycle for those looking to add large amounts of mass and strength.


Weeks 1-12 – Induject-250 1ml, 2x per week (Monday and Thursday)

Weeks 1-12 – Boldebolin 1ml, 2x per week (Monday and Thursday)

Weeks 1-12 – Mastebolin 2ml, 2x per week (Monday and Thursday)

― PCT ―

Weeks 15-16 – Promifen 50mg per day

Weeks 17-18 – Promifen 25mg per day


Diet and training play an important role in this cycle so do not neglect them.

Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.