Pharmacology from Thailand

Many of you were in Thailand and prekrastno know that this amazing in its diversity and culture of the country is famous not only with cheap steroids Thailand, but also one of the best medical in the world out there and the world’s best plastic surgeons are capable of a hefty guy with a foot 44go size make delicate Woman feet with 36m in size without seeing a passport about it and not think smartly and dentistry (what is there to drill teeth does not know because it makes all the laser is absolutely painless) and … with you our favorite anabolic steroids, it is no secret, the lion’s share Ander produced drugs is a copy and these no less than 90% of the market, and one of them has control of raw materials? Yes, anybody! Only Farmakom became an innovator and vbuhali laboratoriyu.I money that is there to do? How to get a really high-quality products ? The answer is simple-THAI official medicine and in order to arrive in full confidence that it is Thai she should go from Tay you differently chances to get a copy and let the work tend to 100%.

Generally all good luck and beware of imitations.

Steroids from Thailand

Often the idea of ​​what Thai products are in demand, I suggest the buyers themselves. So, from time to time come to me in search of anabolic steroids from Thailand shipping. Steroids allow “lazy” bodybuilders quickly acquire appearance Arnolda Shvartseneggera in his youth. Regardless of my personal purely negative attitude to the use of anabolic steroids in bodybuilding (professional bodybuilding without steroids – this is a myth, in fact, reach the professional level without the use of pharmacology at the current stage of development of this sport is almost unreal), customer inquiries, I neglected can not leave . There are local in Thailand, Thai anabolic steroids, which are non-prescription, or other any restrictions on sale in drugstores. For more information about anabolic steroids from Thailand read below:

They asked me for anabolic steroids under the names: Aplhabol CR and Alphabol, produced by Indian pharmaceutical company Alpha Pharma. The Thai pharmacies, as I found out in the course of visiting the most advanced in terms of the range of pharmacy in Bangkok, alfabol not sell because there is no import licenses in Thailand (and hence sales are also not allowed) for these particular products.

Thailand steroids

There is a local Thai counterpart. It is called  Diabol-10 . Manufacturer:  Bukalo Trading Co., Ltd . The container 500 tablets with 10 mg methandienone (methandienone) each. Cans weight – 80 grams. This is not a fake, and the real Thai anabolic steroid, licensed and sold legally.

Worth diabolo-10 in one of Bangkok pharmacy with a long history and good reputation in 1200 the Thai baht, which is twice less than in Pattaya.

Now it is not about steroids, but the Thai food supplements for athletes, bodybuilders in particular.

I bought this for a client naborchik:

  • Tool called Zemax SX. Manufacturer – Thai pharmaceutical company Mega Lifesciences, which, by the way, at the end of last year held an IPO on the Thai Stock Exchange SET.
  • The photographs presented above naborchik of 3 packages plus the bonus capsules. Each package contains 30 capsules and as a bonus is 10 capsules. set Weight: 250 grams.
  • The drug is a vitamin anabolic based on natural substances (not a steroid). Contains MBP-complex (MBP Complex). For more details you can read specification Zemax SX here  (in English).
  • My purchase price for the naborchik Zemax SX – 970 baht.
  • Now, about the legality issues. Buying and sending Thai steroids, I have no local laws are not violated. I advise the buyer to examine the law of the country on the issue of getting from abroad ordered anabolic steroids and think with your head, having an idea of ​​the risks.

In case of interest in these and other means the Asian pharmaceutical industry, contact me. Chances are good that all this exists at affordable prices. Demand for money is not taken, so we have become a tradition in Russia.

Also sold in Bangkok steroid Andriol. Fully drug called Andriol Testocaps.

Each capsule contains 40 mg of testosterone undecanoate (ether testosterone and undecanoic acid) dissolved in oleic acid. A packing 6 packets in each packet of 10 capsules. Packaging costs 800 baht.

Andriol drug imported into Thailand by MSD (Thailand) Ltd., and is produced in Dutch company NV Organon. Both of these companies are part of a multinational pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. headquartered in the United States. Merck & Co. – this is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. MSD – a brand Merck & Co., which the company uses outside of North America.