Welcome to the virtual classroom for physicians and other health care providers. This began as an advocacy project through my local March of Dimes chapter to educate my peers, mainly medical students and residents, about Late beginner steroid cycles Preterm Birth, its known risks, complications, outcomes, and its effects on our society. But after testing out the site on friends and family members, I quickly learned that this information is valuable to all those involved in the care of children and families. So welcome to anyone interested in the opportunity to learn more about the growing issues of late preterm birth in the United States, its preventable causes, and its effects on the overall health of our infants. The site’s main focus still remains the education of physicians and physicians-in-training about Late Preterm Birth, for the sake of their own knowledge, and to enable them to educate their patients.
I’ve tried to make the site as user-friendly as possible, and “high yield” for those busy residents who may need to pick up bits of information in spurts. On this “Home” page you will find a brief outline of the entire site to easily direct you to the information you might be seeking. Residents, look for the HIGH YIELD symbol at the bottom of each passage for quick reference. For those with a little more time, please read through the passages, quotes, objectives, power point presentations, report briefs, etc. to really soak in all the information that is available. Go at your own pace. I’ve created this site as a central place for self-learning, but this is only the beginning. At the end alpha pharmacy steroids of each page or topic will be a list of links which can serve as a jumping off point for further learning. I welcome your feedback, both positive or constructive criticism, so please visit the Discussion Board page to leave a comment, or feel free to email me at the address below. This site is for us to increase our body of knowledge, so if there is something that you feel would assist to that end, please let me know. Also, please join our Facebook Cause, Health Care Providers for Healthy Babies.
A few important things to note. In order to get the most out of your learning experience, please take the pretest, and then after spending some time soaking up the information, take the post-test to see how much you’ve learned. Both are available on the “Physician Education” page. Answers to the post-test are available on that page as well, so you can review what you might have missed. Although both are completely anonymous, I will be conducting some simple research on how much the scores improve, so please do your best. [P.S. The pretest and the post-test are virtually the same, so please do not review the answers to the post-test until you have had the opportunity to take both.] Another important thing to note. I have tried very hard not to infringe on any copyright laws, and have sited my sources whenever possible, provided links to the original source where the information is online, etc. If you feel I have illegally used or posted any material, please let me know and I will address the situation immediately.
Thank oxa max you for visiting, I hope you learn something!
Elizabeth McIntosh Chawla, MS4
Georgetown University School of Medicine
HIGH YIELD: Welcome to this self-learning site, designed for physicians and physicians-in-training, but everybody’s welcome! See the table of contents below. Go the the “Physician Education” page first, take the pretest, view the PowerPoint presentation and other documents when you have time, then take the post-test to see how much you’ve learned. I’m using the average scores from both tests as a measure of evaluation so please don’t forget to take them. Answers to the post-test are available on the same page. Follow the links for further study. Find patient oxanprime handouts and other useful info on the “Patient Education” page. Leave comments on the “Discussion Page”. Email me with issues or questions.
“There are misconceptions outside of the OB/GYN community that preterm birth (especially late preterm) is not a major problem; therefore, content on preterm birth risks and the consequences of preterm birth needs to be included in the curricula of all medical specialties, as well as in training for allied health and public health professionals”.
Statement from the Report of the Surgeon General’s Conference on the Prevention of Preterm Birth,
June 16-17 2008
Site Outline
Home Page
- Welcome and Introduction
- Site Outline
- Objectives for the project
- Link to Facebook group
Physician Education
- Pretest
- Video Lecture: “Late Preterm Birth – What YOU Need to Know”
- Link to Peristats: look up any statistics about preterm birth that you could imagine
- Links to Recent Journal Articles including NEJM, PEDIATRICS, Journal of Pediatrics, and more
- Report from The Surgeon General’s Conference on the Prevention of Preterm Birth
- Report Brief from the Institute of Medicine on Preterm Birth
- Links to Policy Statement from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of
Pediatrics, reports from the National Center for Health Statistics and more - Links to….lots more!
- Post-test
- Answers to the Post-test
Patient Education
- “Top 10 Things You Can Do As a Health Care Provider to Make a Difference for Late Preterm Infants”
- Preventable Causes thiomucase cream of Late Preterm Birth, and What to Tell Your Patients
- Information on Birth Spacing and a Reproductive Life Plan
- Patient Handouts on a variety of topics, some in both English and Spanish
- Links to March of Dimes website, AWHONN site, and others with patient-friendly information
Discussion Board
- Post your comments, suggestions, questions to the site administrator
- A forum for professional discussion: ask questions of each other, give suggestions, share experiences
This Advocacy Project aims:
- To educate myself, as a future Pediatrician, about Late Preterm Birth, its known risks, complications, outcomes, and its
effects on our society and on the overall health of our infants. - To educate my peers, including medical students and Resident Physicians, as well as practicing Physicians and other health
care providers, about Late Preterm Birth. Education of my peers will focus on: 1) Identifying and counseling patients on the preventable causes/risk factors for Late Preterm Birth 2) Understanding specific medical issues the Late Preterm Infant is at risk for developing [as compared to Term infants],
and when to watch for these issues in patients 3) Educating parents of Late Preterm Infants on special health considerations and what to watch for once they take the
infant home - To provide resources to my peers on Late Preterm Birth and associated issues for continued learning and self-education.
Examples include recent publications from professional medical journals, links to organizations involved in this work, links
to Official Position(s) and Policy Statement(s) on these issues from official organizations such as CDC, AAP, ACOG, etc. - To provide handouts and other patient-oriented information materials, in order to facilitate patient education
and communication between patients and their health care providers. - To establish an internet-based forum for relaying this information, in order to provide for continued
self-learning, access to resources, and a forum for professional discussion regarding these topics.
SPECIAL THANKS to the March of Dimes Maryland-National Capital Area Chapter,
and Dona Dei, RN, MSN, State Director of Program Services.