When it’s time to bulk it’s time to add size, this bulking steroid cycles goes without saying but we do not simply want size we want quality size; again, perhaps this goes without saying. However, a common problem many run into is assuming increases in strength and weight gain are indicators of quality size and nothing could be further from the truth. Take for example the anabolic steroid Halotestin, there are few anabolic steroids on earth that will increase strength as dramatically and as quickly as Halotestin yet it will not add any size to your frame. Then take for example the numerous steroids that can cause you to hold excess water and if you’re already eating too much plus supplementing with these steroids that excess bloat while it will translate into excess gained pounds it will not translate into quality gains. Again, many of this may sound elementary but the truth is you can walk into any gym and in mere seconds see most do not bulking steroid cycles understand this and more than likely you don’t either.
Here is a simple example of the problem we’re discussing above. Let’s say you’re supplementing with the best bulking steroids on earth and in mere weeks the scale goes up 20 or even 30lbs; with powerful orals such as Dianabol and Anadrol, with enough food this is not hard to do. Many see the scale go up and their strength assuredly does as well and you’ll hear boasting claims of “I just gained 20lbs of muscle!” We’re sorry to burst you bubble but no you didn’t; 20lbs of lean tissue is enormous and can take in many cases years for even a seasoned man to gain. When you choose your bulking steroids and as the weeks and months go by there is one thing and one thing only you need to go by and that is the mirror. How much weight you’ve gained is not a good indicator of success, how strong you’ve gotten is not a good indicator of success. The mirror and bulking steroid cycles only the mirror, what it says in return is your only worthwhile indicator.
When choosing quality bulking steroids you obviously want the best bulking steroids; the ones that will add quality mass in the most efficient and effective ways possible. Of course you’re going to want to remain safe and each anabolic steroid can carry with it its own various side-effects as well as level of probability in side-effects occurring and you are encouraged to seek out the specifics of each one. For a good bulking cycle most all men will find testosterone to be king; not only is it generally very well-tolerated in most all healthy adult men it is also by far the most efficient anabolic steroid of all time. It does not matter which form of testosterone you use; the hormone itself is the same within each and every form. For a good bulking steroid cycles you are encouraged to always make testosterone your base and for many this will be the only steroid needed but of course some will want more. With that in mind we can confidently say the best bulking steroids of all time include: