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An anabolic steroid cycle simply refers to the period of actual steroid use; when steroids are being administered, this is the time frame often referred to as “On-Cycle” and when they are not as “Off-Cycle.” In any case, when it comes to the on-cycle phase there are truly countless options or steroid stacks. Steroid stacks refer to the combination of anabolic steroids being used during a steroid cycle as well as non-steroidal items that may be included during this phase. With hundreds of anabolic steroids, varying peptide hormones SERM’s, AI’s, thyroid hormones and so much more there truly are innumerable steroid stacks; in-fact, if you choose, no cycle will be the same. Of course, in time most performance enhancers will become rather comfortable with certain steroid stacks; they’ll discover specific combinations that yield the best results and stick with those types of plans. Even so, there are some general rules when it comes to steroid stacks, or rather advisements that will keep you safe; for example, the most common of all supplementing with some form of exogenous testosterone anytime suppressive anabolic steroids are used. The form itself is of no consequence; all that matters is your body has enough of this essential hormone in-order to function properly.
There are many recommendations such as the testosterone one discussed above; generalized rules of thumb most steroid stacks and cycles will be advised to follow. As this is the case, we’ll go over those here today, including the testosterone one in a little more depth, and in-doing so ensure your success. By following these rules, and understanding all that is to follow you will enjoy safe and successful supplementation, and this is important; after all, if it’s not safe, then it can no way be deem.
Below you will find sample steroid cycles for all levels of use that will be solid guides for all purposes of use. It should go without saying, the novice plans are meant for beginners; however, as eluded to above such plans will work for as long as you’d like them to. If you complete a few novice level steroid cycles, you can implement the black book of training secrets them afterwards as many times as you’d like, but for many men, there will come a time when more is desired; after all, wanting more is our very nature. This raises an important question; how do we know when we’re ready to advance? In-order to answer this question, please see the checklist to follow:
* Novice to Intermediate: if you’ve completed a few novice cycles and desire more, if you enjoyed success with a novice plan, meaning you did not suffer from horrific side-effects and you want a little more, you may be ready for a more advanced plan. In the end, this will be something you have to gauge for yourself. * Intermediate to Advanced: Intermediate cycles are about as far as most will ever desire to go, and in-truth most all will ever need. If you cannot make fantastic gains with such steroid cycles, you need to reexamine your diet and training, and perhaps the supplier from who you’re receiving your hormones. Of course, once again more is sometimes desired, and if it is to be reached you must follow the same rules listed above. * Beyond Advanced: the advanced steroid cycles listed below are truly powerful and they obviously carry with them the greatest risk; even so, some will even surpass these. This is not something we can recommend, we cannot even outright recommend the advanced plans; however, we can tell you if you go beyond such plans you will be opening the door to possible problems greatly and caution is advised.
Our site offers 3 types of cycles depending on your experience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced . Plus we divide them by goals you wish to achieve: Bulking, Cutting and Get Ready for Summer
As steroid cycles refer to the time in-which we are actually supplementing with anabolic steroids, the obvious question is what is the acceptable time frame; what is the minimum for positive gains and what is the maximum amount of time in-regards to safety? Once again, this can be a difficult question to answer, but once again there are guidelines that will help you stay safe. Regardless of the steroid cycles you implement flex wheeler, no matter how basic or advanced, your plan is going to need to extend for a decent amount of time. The human body does not like change; even if such a change is in its best interest it will fight it and do all it can to stay at its accustomed normal. As this is the case, we must allow enough time for this “normal” to change; we must create a new set normal if we are to hang onto any of the gains made. Of course, even when this is done, if you are off-cycle for an extended period of time you are going to lose some of the gains made; without the high influx of hormones present to support the gains you made they will not last forever.
With timing in mind and creating a new set normal, most men will find 8 weeks to be the minimum with 12 weeks being far more efficient; of course, longer will yield better results. At the same time, longer will also increase the risk for potential side-effects, and once again we’re at a scale we must measure. For those who are looking for solid gains while remaining as safe as possible, normally 12-16 weeks of actual supplementation followed by an equal amount of time off-cycle is the best bet; this is a safe and effective way to plan all your steroid cycles. Of course, for many men, based on their goals such a plan will not work; not if they are going to progress in the manner they desire. For the hardcore elite, the truly advanced, you will find they are on-cycle far more than they are off; after all, this is the only way their body’s can support the massive strength and size they have obtained. It’s not uncommon to see such men blast with 16-20 week cycles and only discontinuing use for 4-8 weeks; in some cases, they won’t fully discontinue use at all. In some cases, in hardcore circles it is often found they will supplement heavily for 16-20 weeks and drop to a low dose of testosterone for 4-8 weeks before blasting for another 16-20 weeks. At some point and time they will probably come off of everything, and they should, but either way while this can be very effective it comes with a lot of risk.
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